tourist attraction

The Per­form­ing Arts Mu­se­um


Walk­ing into Stock­holm's Per­form­ing Arts Mu­se­um is like dis­cov­er­ing a trea­sure chest of the­atri­cal won­ders. The ex­quis­ite­ly main­tained cos­tumes seem to hum with the en­er­gy of past per­for­mances, trans­port­ing you back in time. A clever blend of sound and light de­sign recre­ates the elec­tric an­tic­i­pa­tion of a stage show about to be­gin. Tales of un­for­get­table per­for­mances and cap­ti­vat­ing per­form­ers whis­per

from every ex­hib­it. But this mu­se­um is far from a sta­t­ic col­lec­tion of relics. A full sched­ule of work­shops, shows, and spe­cial events en­sures the Per­form­ing Arts Mu­se­um buzzes with life. We even spot­ted mod­ern artists gath­er­ing in­spi­ra­tion – a tes­ta­ment to the mu­se­um's en­dur­ing pow­er to spark cre­ativ­i­ty in any­one pas­sion­ate about the per­form­ing arts.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday11:00 - 17:00Wednesday11:00 - 17:00Thursday11:00 - 17:00Friday11:00 - 17:00Saturday11:00 - 17:00Sunday11:00 - 17:00