
The Onra Ho­tel


The Onra Ho­tel, lo­cat­ed in the mid­dle of Ph­nom Penh, of­fers a chic yet com­fort­able stay. Rooms are de­signed to feel like your own per­son­al oa­sis, bathed in nat­ur­al light and sur­pris­ing­ly roomy. Mod­ern ameni­ties are pro­vid­ed for your ul­ti­mate re­lax­ation. You'll find the ho­tel con­ve­nient­ly sit­u­at­ed near the Toul Sleng Mu­se­um and the Russ­ian Mar­ket, with plen­ty of lo­cal eater­ies just steps away. Whether you're set­tling in for a long stay or just pop­ping in for a quick caf­feine fix, The Onra Ho­tel strives to pro­vide an ex­cep­tion­al ex­pe­ri­ence.
