The Olive Gar­den


Please pro­vide more in­for­ma­tion about "The Olive Gar­den" in Lon­don. For ex­am­ple: * Is it a spe­cif­ic restau­rant? There are no restau­rants cur­rent­ly list­ed with that name in Lon­don. If it's fic­tion­al, tell me about its style and cui­sine. * What makes it trendy? De­scribe the at­mos­phere, clien­tele, or spe­cif­ic de­sign el­e­ments. * What should read­ers feel or ex­pect? Do they go for a quick bite, a ro­man­tic din­ner, or a live­ly group out­ing? With more de­tails, I can write a cap­ti­vat­ing de­scrip­tion that feels like a per­son­al rec­om­men­da­tion!

Price point