night club

The Mer­cury Lounge


The Mer­cury Lounge, dim­ly lit and in­ti­mate, of­fers mu­sic lovers a true taste of New York City. This icon­ic venue, with its charm­ing­ly grit­ty aes­thet­ic and rich his­to­ry, has wit­nessed the rise of count­less mu­sic leg­ends. Feel the en­er­gy of the crowd as sounds re­ver­ber­ate off the ex­posed brick walls. Dis­cov­er your next fa­vorite band or en­joy fa­mil­iar tunes – The Mer­cury Lounge promis­es a mem­o­rable night im­mersed in the city's dy­nam­ic mu­sic scene. Or­der a drink, un­wind, and lose your­self in the raw pow­er of a live per­for­mance.

Price point