
The Lon­don West Hol­ly­wood at Bev­er­ly Hills


Es­cape to a sanc­tu­ary of so­phis­ti­ca­tion at The Lon­don West Hol­ly­wood at Bev­er­ly Hills, a vi­brant des­ti­na­tion where mod­ern el­e­gance meets time­less al­lure. Im­merse your­self in the hotel's sleek, art-deco-in­spired in­te­ri­ors, adorned with rich fab­rics and cap­ti­vat­ing art­work. Re­treat to your spa­cious suite, ap­point­ed with plush bed­ding, state-of-the-art ameni­ties, and stun­ning views of the icon­ic

Hol­ly­wood Hills. In­dulge in culi­nary de­lights at The Box­wood Cafe, of­fer­ing in­no­v­a­tive dish­es craft­ed from fresh, lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents. Un­wind at the rooftop pool, sur­round­ed by panoram­ic vis­tas that stretch across the Los An­ge­les sky­line. The Lon­don West Hol­ly­wood is an oa­sis of style, lux­u­ry, and un­ri­valed hos­pi­tal­i­ty, where your every need is metic­u­lous­ly at­tend­ed to.
