tourist attraction

The Lit­tle Mer­maid


You sim­ply can't vis­it Copen­hagen with­out say­ing hel­lo to the Lit­tle Mer­maid. Sit­ting serene­ly on her gran­ite perch along the peace­ful Lan­gelin­ie prom­e­nade, this fa­mous sculp­ture em­bod­ies the spir­it of Hans Chris­t­ian An­der­sen's cher­ished sto­ry. Since its un­veil­ing in 1913, her grace­ful form and pen­sive ex­pres­sion have charmed count­less on­look­ers, ce­ment­ing her place as an em­blem of the city's deep artis­tic and lit­er­ary tra­di­tions. The Lit­tle Mer­maid serves as an en­dur­ing tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of cre­ativ­i­ty and the en­chant­ment wo­ven by sto­ries.
