
The Light Bar & Din­ing


Step­ping into Shored­itch's The Light Bar & Din­ing is like step­ping back in time, but with a mod­ern twist. The Vic­to­ri­an charm blends seam­less­ly with a wel­com­ing at­mos­phere. The scent of ex­pert­ly craft­ed cock­tails min­gles with the pleas­ant mur­mur of con­ver­sa­tion, in­stant­ly mak­ing you feel at ease. Their menu of­fers a tempt­ing

ar­ray of el­e­vat­ed pub fare and snacks, all made with fresh, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents. Find a cozy cor­ner for an in­ti­mate chat or join the live­ly en­er­gy at the bar, where laugh­ter and sto­ries abound. As the evening un­folds, the pub trans­forms into a hub of ac­tiv­i­ty, of­fer­ing a gen­uine taste of Lon­don's vi­brant nightlife.

Price point