
The Jol­ly Roger


The Jol­ly Roger, sit­u­at­ed on Robert­son Quay, is­n't just a bar, it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. As day­light fades, this river­side lo­cale morphs into a haven for those with a touch of the pi­rate in their soul. In­side, ex­posed tim­bers, mar­itime relics, and the faint aro­ma of brine trans­port you to an­oth­er world. Raise a glass (or three) of grog while live mu­si­cians spin yarns of the high seas. But mind your man­ners – to ne­glect a hearty salute to this charm­ing den of scal­ly­wags might find you fac­ing the dread­ed plank.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 12:00Tuesday16:00 - 12:00Wednesday16:00 - 12:00Thursday16:00 - 12:00Friday11:00 - 12:00Saturday11:00 - 12:00Sunday11:00 - 12:00