The Jer­vois


Ex­pe­ri­ence a styl­ish sanc­tu­ary in the heart of She­ung Wan at The Jer­vois. This bou­tique ho­tel apart­ment, craft­ed by the renowned Na­tion­al Prop­er­ties, ex­udes an air of so­phis­ti­ca­tion and un­der­stat­ed lux­u­ry. De­signed by the glob­al­ly ac­claimed Chris­t­ian Li­ai­gre, every de­tail speaks of re­fined el­e­gance. Each res­i­dence boasts sleek lines, nat­ur­al ma­te­ri­als, and a har­mo­nious blend of con­tem­po­rary and clas­sic el­e­ments. Floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows bathe the spaces in nat­ur­al light, while care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed fur­nish­ings cre­ate a sense of tran­quil­i­ty. Whether you choose a stu­dio or a spa­cious apart­ment, ex­pect a haven of com­fort and style. Be­yond your pri­vate abode, dis­cov­er a world of con­ve­nience and leisure. The Jer­vois of­fers a range of ameni­ties, in­clud­ing a fit­ness cen­ter, a res­i­dents' lounge, and a rooftop ter­race with panoram­ic city views. Its prime lo­ca­tion places you steps away from the trendy bou­tiques, art gal­leries, and vi­brant culi­nary scene of She­ung Wan, mak­ing it an ide­al base for ex­plor­ing the city's dy­nam­ic pulse.
