
The Im­mi­grant


The Im­mi­grant, a con­tem­po­rary Ital­ian-Amer­i­can restau­rant on Man­hat­tan's Low­er East Side, blends seam­less­ly into its sur­round­ings. In­side, you'll find a wel­com­ing am­biance that draws in a live­ly mix of lo­cals and vis­i­tors. Their menu cel­e­brates tra­di­tion­al Ital­ian cui­sine, with each dish pre­pared us­ing the fresh­est, lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents. Don't miss their ex­quis­ite gnoc­chi alla sor­renti­na—del­i­cate, hand­made gnoc­chi bathed in a light toma­to sauce

and crowned with fresh moz­zarel­la. Their wood-fired piz­zas are equal­ly ir­re­sistible, as are their tempt­ing ap­pe­tiz­ers and sal­ads. Com­ple­ment your meal with a se­lec­tion from their well-cu­rat­ed wine list, fea­tur­ing both Ital­ian and Amer­i­can va­ri­eties. If you're look­ing for an au­then­tic taste of Lit­tle Italy in a warm and invit­ing set­ting, The Im­mi­grant should be at the top of your din­ing list.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 01:00Tuesday16:00 - 01:00Wednesday16:00 - 01:15Thursday16:00 - 01:45Friday16:00 - 02:15Saturday16:00 - 02:15Sunday16:00 - 01:00