
The Hari


The Hari, a bou­tique ho­tel in Bel­gravia, tran­scends the typ­i­cal ho­tel ex­pe­ri­ence. This ef­fort­less­ly cool and in­cred­i­bly com­fort­able ho­tel pro­vides a wel­come es­cape from the live­ly streets of Lon­don. Each room boasts its own dis­tinct char­ac­ter, fea­tur­ing plush bed­ding, dis­tinc­tive ac­cents, and a full range of mod­ern ameni­ties. The al­lure of The Hari ex­tends be­yond its aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing rooms. A chic blend of lo­cals

and tourists gath­er at the en­er­getic bar, con­nect­ing over ex­pert­ly made cock­tails. For a tru­ly unique ex­pe­ri­ence, as­cend to the tran­quil rooftop gar­den, a serene oa­sis above the city. It's the per­fect spot to un­wind with a drink and soak in panoram­ic views. The Hari promis­es an un­for­get­table stay, whether you seek a styl­ish re­treat, a dy­nam­ic am­biance, or a mo­ment of tran­quil­i­ty.
