horse riding field

The Hap­py Ranch Horse Farm


The Hap­py Ranch Horse Farm in Siem Reap of­fers a unique ex­pe­ri­ence of horse rid­ing. We pro­vide a va­ri­ety of op­tions such as Trail Rides, Vil­lage Rides, and Tem­ple Rides at spe­cif­ic times, as well as cus­tomized tim­ings to suit your con­ve­nience. Our ex­pert coach­es en­sure a safe and en­joy­able ex­pe­ri­ence for all. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, we also house a mu­se­um that of­fers guid­ed horse­back rid­ing tours around the Siem Reap coun­try­side.

Opening hours
Monday05:00 - 18:00Tuesday05:00 - 18:00Wednesday05:00 - 18:00Thursday05:00 - 18:00Friday05:00 - 18:00Saturday05:00 - 18:00Sunday05:00 - 18:00