
The Grove Tav­ern


The Grove is an award-win­ning gas­tro pub lo­cat­ed in Ham­mer­smith, Lon­don. It is renowned for its de­li­cious food and ex­cel­lent ser­vice, earn­ing it a place as one of the top restau­rants in the area. Housed in a beau­ti­ful­ly re­stored Vic­to­ri­an build­ing, the pub of­fers a warm and invit­ing am­biance with a charm­ing out­door area per­fect for al fres­co din­ing. With its fo­cus on us­ing fresh, lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents and cre­at­ing dish­es from scratch, The Grove of­fers a fan­tas­tic din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point