
The Dis­tillery


In the vi­brant South Bank, The Dis­tillery seam­less­ly blends in­dus­tri­al her­itage with mod­ern lux­u­ry. Step into a world of ex­posed brick walls, arched ceil­ings, and orig­i­nal ma­chin­ery, rem­nants of its past as a Vic­to­ri­an grain dis­tillery. Each of the 94 styl­ish rooms and suites boasts be­spoke fur­nish­ings, cu­rat­ed art­work, and floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows that frame breath­tak­ing

city views. In­dulge in culi­nary de­lights at The Dis­tillery's restau­rant and bar, where sea­son­al, lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents take cen­ter stage in in­ven­tive dish­es. Re­lax and re­ju­ve­nate in the state-of-the-art gym, cozy li­brary, or serene spa. The hotel's prime lo­ca­tion of­fers easy ac­cess to Lon­don's icon­ic land­marks, mak­ing it the per­fect base for your ur­ban ad­ven­ture.
