
The Deck


The Deck is a rooftop bar lo­cat­ed on the 21st floor of the Rose­wood Ph­nom Penh, of­fer­ing panoram­ic views of the city sky­line. It's the per­fect place to re­lax and un­wind with a hand­craft­ed cock­tail in hand. The menu fea­tures a va­ri­ety of cre­ative con­coc­tions, from clas­sics with a twist to lo­cal-in­spired li­ba­tions. The food menu of­fers a se­lec­tion of

small bites and shar­ing plates, per­fect for shar­ing with friends. The am­biance is chic and so­phis­ti­cat­ed, with styl­ish dé­cor and com­fort­able seat­ing. The ser­vice is im­pec­ca­ble, and the staff is knowl­edge­able and friend­ly. Whether you're look­ing for a ro­man­tic evening out or a night of rev­el­ry with friends, The Deck is the per­fect place to en­joy Ph­nom Pen­h's vi­brant nightlife.
