historical place museum

The Cop­per­mill Tow­er


Sit­u­at­ed in Lon­don's Waltham­stow Wet­lands, the Cop­per­mill Tow­er stands as a tes­ta­ment to the area's in­dus­tri­al past. This colos­sal struc­ture once formed part of a cop­per mill, its im­pos­ing stone fa­cade echo­ing the by­gone era when Waltham­stow was a hub of in­dus­try. De­spite the pas­sage of time, the tow­er has been metic­u­lous­ly pre­served, of­fer­ing vis­i­tors a glimpse into the area's rich her­itage. Now in­cor­po­rat­ed into the Wet­land­s' stun­ning nat­ur­al sur­round­ings, the Cop­per­mill Tow­er serves as a poignant re­minder of the in­dus­tri­al lega­cy that once shaped this vi­brant ecosys­tem.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 16:00Tuesday09:30 - 16:00Wednesday09:30 - 16:00Thursday09:30 - 16:00Friday09:30 - 16:00Saturday09:30 - 16:00Sunday09:30 - 16:00