
The Cof­fee Lab - Spe­cial­ty Cof­fee Roast­ers


Dubai thrives on round-the-clock en­er­gy, but even the most caf­feinat­ed crave a de­li­cious pick-me-up some­times. For cof­fee lovers, The Cof­fee Lab, a spe­cial­ty roast­er, pro­vides a wel­come sanc­tu­ary, pri­or­i­tiz­ing taste above all else. The sleek, un­der­stat­ed decor en­sures the cof­fee takes cen­ter stage. As soon as you en­ter, the in­tox­i­cat­ing fra­grance of fresh­ly roast­ed beans wel­comes you, a pre­lude to the de­li­cious ad­ven­ture that

awaits. Their care­ful­ly craft­ed menu fea­tures a range of cof­fees, each with its own unique per­son­al­i­ty. Whether you de­sire a tra­di­tion­al espres­so or a re­fresh­ing cold brew, there's a bev­er­age to tempt every palate. More than just a cafe, The Cof­fee Lab is a gath­er­ing place for cof­fee afi­ciona­dos, a live­ly spot where a shared pas­sion for an ex­cep­tion­al cup thrives.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 12:00Tuesday06:00 - 12:00Wednesday06:00 - 12:00Thursday06:00 - 12:00Friday06:00 - 12:00Saturday06:00 - 12:00Sunday06:00 - 12:00