
The Chelsea Cor­ner


The Chelsea Cor­ner, right on Sloane Square, ex­udes a time­less el­e­gance that makes it a true lo­cal trea­sure. Step­ping in­side feels like trav­el­ing back in time. The soft glow of chan­de­liers il­lu­mi­nates a charm­ing in­te­ri­or adorned with vin­tage pho­tographs and an­tique fur­ni­ture. Their menu fea­tures a tempt­ing ar­ray of clas­sic British

cui­sine, from ex­pert­ly pre­pared roasts to out­stand­ing fish and chips. Whether you're pop­ping in for a quick bite, a ro­man­tic din­ner, or a spot of af­ter­noon tea, The Chelsea Cor­ner promis­es a mem­o­rable ex­pe­ri­ence. The at­ten­tive staff adds to the restau­ran­t's al­lure, en­sur­ing each vis­it feels like a spe­cial oc­ca­sion.
