
The Cheese Bar


Need a break from Lon­don's usu­al tourist fare? The Cheese Bar is the an­swer. Ditch the pre­dictable ched­dar and dive into their hand-picked col­lec­tion of in­cred­i­ble British cheeses – it's a haven for ad­ven­tur­ous palates. Imag­ine gooey grilled cheese sand­wich­es, lux­u­ri­ous fon­due for two, and siz­zling raclette, all beg­ging to be de­voured. Grab a seat in­side or or­der ahead for a de­light­ful night in – ei­ther way, pre­pare for a cheese ex­trav­a­gan­za. Your taste buds will be singing your prais­es.

Price point