night club

The Bel­mont


Step­ping into The Bel­mont, a bou­tique ho­tel in West Hol­ly­wood, you're met with a wave of mod­ern el­e­gance. The lob­by wel­comes you with strik­ing art­work and plush seat­ing. Rooms are spa­cious, bathed in nat­ur­al light from ex­pan­sive win­dows. Each boasts plush bed­ding, a styl­ish mini­bar, and a sleek bath­room. But The Bel­mont of­fers more than just beau­ti­ful

rooms. Their rooftop pool promis­es panoram­ic city views, per­fect for a re­fresh­ing dip. A well-equipped fit­ness cen­ter caters to ac­tive guests, while a serene spa pro­vides re­lax­ation and re­ju­ve­na­tion. For a de­li­cious taste of Cal­i­for­nia, The Ter­race, the hotel's restau­rant, awaits. Whether in town for busi­ness or leisure, The Bel­mont guar­an­tees a so­phis­ti­cat­ed and un­for­get­table stay.

Price point