brunch restaurant

The BARN Lon­don


For­get fran­ti­cal­ly search­ing for the trendi­est brunch spots. Some­times, you just crave a de­li­cious, no-frills meal and a good cup of cof­fee. Sit­u­at­ed on Hol­loway Road, The Barn is pre­cise­ly that. The vibe is su­per chill, and the menu is loaded with mouth­wa­ter­ing op­tions. Pic­ture this: fresh, fla­vor­ful dish­es made with top-notch in­gre­di­ents and served in sat­is­fy­ing por­tions. And the desserts? Let's just say they're worth every calo­rie. Hon­est­ly, The Barn is the kind of place you'll in­stant­ly want to make your go-to.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 18:00Tuesday08:00 - 18:00Wednesday08:00 - 18:00Thursday08:00 - 18:00Friday08:00 - 18:00Saturday08:30 - 18:00Sunday08:30 - 18:00