
The Alexan­dra


The Alexan­dra pub, a true south­west Lon­don sta­ple, sits a stone's throw from Wim­ble­don sta­tion. Its prime lo­ca­tion, just a short walk from the Com­mon and the Ten­nis Cen­tre Court Shop­ping Cen­tre, makes it a per­fect spot for a pre-match pint or a post-shop­ping spree re­fresh­er. But don't let its prox­im­i­ty to these land­marks fool you—The Alexan­dra holds its own with a charm­ing at­mos­phere. Boast­ing a de­light­ful rooftop ter­race and in­door screens show­ing the day's sport­ing events, it's an ide­al lo­ca­tion to un­wind and soak in the lo­cal am­biance.

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