italian restaurant

Ter­raz­za Rav­el­lo


Leave the city buzz be­hind and es­cape to Ter­raz­za Rav­el­lo, a rooftop oa­sis above Port Vell. Here, every bite of gourmet piz­za, au­then­tic Ital­ian dish, and tempt­ing Neapoli­tan spe­cial­ty in­stant­ly trans­ports you to Italy, all while you bask in the Mediter­ranean sun. Imag­ine: a gen­tle sea breeze, panoram­ic city views, and the shim­mer­ing wa­ter be­low, cre­at­ing an am­biance of pure re­lax­ation. You prac­ti­cal­ly feel like you're

in Naples as you watch your piz­za be­ing ex­pert­ly craft­ed and cooked to per­fec­tion in the tra­di­tion­al wood-fired oven. Be­yond piz­za, the menu boasts clas­sic Ital­ian fa­vorites like pas­ta, risot­to, and per­fect­ly grilled meats – some­thing for every palate. And for the grand fi­nale? Their se­lec­tion of home­made desserts is the per­fect in­dul­gence. Ter­raz­za Rav­el­lo is an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't want to miss.

Price point