chinese restaurant

Tea House Chi­nese Restau­rant


You might walk right past Tea House Chi­nese Restau­rant with its mod­est ex­te­ri­or, but that would be a mis­take. This Lon­don gem serves up au­then­tic Chi­nese cui­sine that will have you plan­ning your next vis­it be­fore you've even fin­ished your meal. The ex­ten­sive menu boasts clas­sic dish­es for every palate, from steam­ing hot pots

per­fect for shar­ing to del­i­cate­ly pre­pared dim sum. How­ev­er, make sure you leave room for the grand fi­nale – their desserts are sim­ply di­vine. A word to the wise: don't even think about skip­ping dessert! For a scrump­tious and af­ford­able break from the ur­ban hus­tle, Tea House Chi­nese Restau­rant is the place to be.

Price point