
Tapas & Pin­chos LO­CAL nº2


For­get stuffy, pre­ten­tious spots – LO­CAL nº2 in Mar­ratxí is a rev­e­la­tion for tapas en­thu­si­asts. This place is a must-vis­it if you crave your tapas with a cre­ative spin. Think un­ex­pect­ed fla­vor com­bi­na­tions and in­ven­tive pair­ings, all craft­ed with the high­est qual­i­ty, lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents. Their pin­chos are a vi­su­al de­light, each one a minia­ture mas­ter­piece burst­ing with col­or and taste. For an au­then­tic Mal­lor­can ex­pe­ri­ence with a con­tem­po­rary twist, put LO­CAL nº2 at the very top of your itin­er­ary.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday19:00 - 12:00Wednesday19:00 - 12:00Thursday19:00 - 12:00Friday19:00 - 12:30Saturday19:00 - 12:30MondayClosedSundayClosed