


Okay, here is a draft dodg­ing those overused phras­es and repet­i­tive word­ing, aim­ing for a mod­ern trav­el mag­a­zine style: --- A Lit­tle Slice of Italy: Taormi­na For­get scour­ing Copen­hagen for "au­then­tic" Ital­ian - Taormi­na on the Øster­bro side has you cov­ered. Their menu is a love let­ter to the clas­sics, done ex­cep­tion­al­ly well. Pic­ture this: al dente pas­ta coat­ed in a silken car­bonara sauce, or the sa­vory in­dul­gence

of a per­fect­ly ex­e­cut­ed saltim­boc­ca. And don't even get us start­ed on the tiramisu... let's just say sav­ing room for dessert is non-ne­go­tiable here. The lo­ca­tion is ide­al too - a stone's throw from both Parken Sta­di­um and the Østre Gasværk the­ater. Pre-show meal or post-per­for­mance cel­e­bra­tion, Taormi­na hits the spot. If your Copen­hagen trip needs a dose of Ital­ian fla­vor, this is your new go-to.

Price point