
TAO River­side Res­i­dence


Imag­ine step­ping out your door di­rect­ly onto the live­ly Sisowath Quay. At TAO River­side Res­i­dence, this four-star ho­tel is­n't just a place to sleep; it's a styl­ish ex­pe­ri­ence for trav­el­ers seek­ing some­thing unique. Whether work or plea­sure brings you to Ph­nom Penh, its river­front lo­ca­tion keeps you in the heart of the ac­tion. But when you're ready to un­wind, the de­sign-led at­mos­phere pro­vides a wel­come re­treat from the city buzz. Ready to book your stay? Skip the has­sle and head straight to their web­site.
