ramen restaurant

Take Ra­men


Stock­holm's trendy Sö­der­malm dis­trict puls­es with en­er­gy, and right in the mid­dle of it all, Take Ra­men draws you in with de­li­cious smells and a cool, sim­ple look. The minute you walk in, the wood and brick cre­ate a wel­com­ing vibe. The menu is sim­ple and straight­for­ward, show­cas­ing a hand­ful of clas­sic ra­men bowls. Their claim to fame is the Tonkot­su Ra­men, a true fla­vor ex­plo­sion. The broth is rich and creamy, sim­mered for hours, and the ten­der Chashu pork bel­ly prac­ti­cal­ly melts

in your mouth. Fresh noo­dles give it a nice tex­ture con­trast. If you like a lit­tle heat, the Spicy Miso Ra­men hits the spot. The fla­vor­ful broth will warm you right up. Be­sides the amaz­ing ra­men, they have tasty starters and sides, like crispy Gy­oza and re­fresh­ing Edamame. The staff are su­per friend­ly and hap­py to help you nav­i­gate the menu. Whether you're a ra­men fa­nat­ic or just look­ing for a sat­is­fy­ing and de­li­cious meal, Take Ra­men is a must-try in Stock­holm.

Price point