
Tacos El Uni­co BELL


Tacos El Úni­co Bell in Los An­ge­les is a beloved street food des­ti­na­tion that lives up to its name. This hum­ble taco stand has be­come a culi­nary leg­end, serv­ing up mouth­wa­ter­ing tacos that are sim­ply úni­co (unique). The menu is sim­ple but ef­fec­tive, fea­tur­ing a va­ri­ety of grilled meats, fresh top­pings, and their sig­na­ture sal­sas that pack a fla­vor­ful punch. Whether you're a lo­cal or a vis­i­tor, make sure to add Tacos El Úni­co Bell to your culi­nary itin­er­ary for an au­then­tic and un­for­get­table taco ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 23:00Tuesday09:30 - 23:00Wednesday09:30 - 23:00Thursday09:30 - 23:00Friday09:30 - 12:00Saturday09:30 - 12:00Sunday09:30 - 23:00