
Taco Bar


Taco Bar, a Stock­holm sta­ple for over 35 years, has def­i­nite­ly earned its spot on the city's food scene. Their ded­i­ca­tion to fresh, qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents and warm am­biance shines through. The minute you step in­side, you're greet­ed with wel­com­ing smiles and the tempt­ing aro­ma of fresh­ly made food. Their menu is a true homage to

tacos, of­fer­ing a di­verse range to sat­is­fy every crav­ing. Each taco bursts with gen­uine fla­vors, craft­ed from col­or­ful, care­ful­ly se­lect­ed in­gre­di­ents. Whether you're drawn to clas­sic pair­ings or feel­ing ad­ven­tur­ous, Taco Bar has a taco that will ex­cite your palate. It's the ide­al spot for a quick lunch or a re­laxed meal with your crew.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 22:00Tuesday11:00 - 22:00Wednesday11:00 - 22:00Thursday11:00 - 22:00Friday11:00 - 23:00Saturday11:00 - 23:00Sunday11:00 - 22:00