night club



Tab­bouli, sit­u­at­ed in Stock­holm's Sö­der­malm dis­trict, hits you with the scents of grilling meats and ex­ot­ic spices the mo­ment you step in­side. It's an in­stant es­cape from Swe­den and into a Lebanese oa­sis. With a menu boast­ing over 40 dish­es, the tempt­ing ar­ray of small plates and grilled spe­cial­ties can be over­whelm­ing. Our ad­vice? Dive into a va­ri­ety of mezze, like their creamy hum­mus, smoky baba ghanoush, and per­fect­ly crispy falafel. For your

main course, the char­coal-grilled op­tions are a must. We're still dream­ing about the ten­der lamb chops and juicy chick­en skew­ers – each bite an ex­plo­sion of fla­vor. The staff's warm and at­ten­tive na­ture tru­ly el­e­vates the ex­pe­ri­ence. They're hap­py to nav­i­gate the menu with you and rec­om­mend the per­fect wine pair­ing. Whether seek­ing a ca­su­al din­ner with friends or a spe­cial night out, Tab­bouli de­liv­ers a culi­nary jour­ney for your taste­buds.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 23:00Tuesday17:00 - 23:00Wednesday17:00 - 23:00Thursday17:00 - 23:00Friday17:00 - 12:00Sunday16:00 - 22:00Saturday16:00 - 12:00