
T. Boyle's Tav­ern


T. Boyle's Tav­ern is a hid­den gem in the heart of East Los An­ge­les. This beloved wa­ter­ing hole has been a gath­er­ing spot for lo­cals and vis­i­tors alike for over 50 years. With its cozy am­biance, friend­ly staff, and de­li­cious food and drinks, it's easy to see why this tav­ern has be­come a neigh­bor­hood fa­vorite.

The menu fea­tures a va­ri­ety of clas­sic Amer­i­can dish­es, in­clud­ing burg­ers, sand­wich­es, and sal­ads. The bar­tenders are known for their cre­ative cock­tails and ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of beers on tap. Whether you're look­ing for a ca­su­al meal, a night out with friends, or a place to watch the game, T. Boyle's Tav­ern is the per­fect spot.
