
Swift Shored­itch


Of the three pop­u­lar Swift bars across Lon­don, the Shored­itch lo­ca­tion on Great East­ern Street has a neigh­bor­hood feel. The friend­ly staff makes every­one feel com­fort­able, whether they're stop­ping by for a quick drink or set­tling in for the night. Their ex­pert­ly cu­rat­ed cock­tail list fea­tures both clas­sic and in­ven­tive drinks, all craft­ed with pre­mi­um spir­its and fresh in­gre­di­ents. With its re­laxed and wel­com­ing am­biance, it's easy to while away the hours en­joy­ing drinks and good com­pa­ny.

Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 23:30Tuesday15:00 - 23:30Wednesday15:00 - 23:30Thursday15:00 - 12:00Friday15:00 - 12:00Saturday15:00 - 12:00Sunday15:00 - 23:30