
Sushi Masa


Step­ping off the bustling Lon­don streets and into Sushi Masa on a qui­et May­fair side street felt like dis­cov­er­ing a se­cret haven of un­der­stat­ed el­e­gance. The town­house lo­ca­tion, with its min­i­mal­ist decor and or­gan­ic el­e­ments, fos­tered a sense of tran­quil­i­ty that in­stant­ly put us at ease. At the counter, we watched

in awe as the chef, a true artist, trans­formed pre­mi­um Japan­ese in­gre­di­ents into ex­quis­ite culi­nary cre­ations. From the but­tery otoro to the del­i­cate­ly fla­vored uni, every taste was a mo­ment to re­mem­ber. The at­ten­tive ser­vice and wel­com­ing at­mos­phere height­ened the en­tire ex­pe­ri­ence, trans­form­ing a sim­ple meal into an un­for­get­table oc­ca­sion.

Price point