night club



For­get ster­ile con­cert halls, Su­per­son­ic is a dive into the raw en­er­gy of Parisian rock. This leg­endary club throbs with a con­ta­gious en­er­gy that elec­tri­fies every­one in­side. Walk­ing through the doors is like en­ter­ing a hid­den world where mu­sic is­n't just heard, it's lived. Their com­mit­ment to a free con­cert for­mat, show­cas­ing both fa­mous and emerg­ing artists, means you could

dis­cov­er your new fa­vorite band while belt­ing out clas­sics. The lay­out of the venue it­self dis­solves the bar­ri­ers be­tween the stage and the crowd, cul­ti­vat­ing a tan­gi­ble shared en­er­gy. To tru­ly ex­pe­ri­ence the pulse of the Parisian mu­sic scene, Su­per­son­ic is a must-vis­it. Just be pre­pared for a night of pure son­ic force and an elec­tri­fy­ing vibe like no oth­er.

Opening hours
Monday19:00 - 12:00Tuesday19:00 - 12:00Wednesday19:00 - 12:00Thursday19:00 - 12:00Friday19:00 - 06:00Saturday19:00 - 06:00Sunday19:00 - 12:00