vietnamese restaurant

Sun­flower Gar­den Au­then­tic Viet­namese Food


For­get the fan­cy fu­sion spots, Sun­flower Gar­den is a no-frills Viet­namese gem. Don't let the straight­for­ward decor fool you – the real star is on your plate. Think steam­ing bowls of fra­grant pho, piled high with fresh herbs, or per­fect­ly sea­soned ver­mi­cel­li noo­dle bowls burst­ing with fla­vor. The menu is ex­ten­sive, cater­ing to veg­e­tar­i­ans and meat-eaters alike. Come hun­gry and be pre­pared for a de­li­cious, au­then­tic taste of Viet­nam with­out break­ing the bank.
