
Sun­down So­cial Club


Sun­down So­cial Club is a laid-back oa­sis in the up-and-com­ing neigh­bor­hood of Toul Tom Poung. With a mix of in­door and out­door seat­ing, it's the per­fect spot to un­wind af­ter a day of ex­plor­ing Ph­nom Penh. In­side, col­or­ful art­work and vin­tage fur­ni­ture cre­ate a vi­brant am­biance. Out­side, bean bags and ham­mocks in­vite you to re­lax and soak

up the sun­set over the city. The menu fea­tures a wide range of drinks, from cock­tails and beer to wine. There's also a small food menu with snacks and light meals. Sun­down So­cial Club is a great place to min­gle with oth­er trav­el­ers and lo­cals. Whether you're look­ing to par­ty or sim­ply un­wind, this is the spot to be.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday16:00 - 12:00Monday16:00 - 12:00Wednesday16:00 - 12:00Thursday16:00 - 12:00Friday16:00 - 12:00Saturday16:00 - 12:00Sunday16:00 - 12:00