meal takeaway



Need a quick, cus­tomiz­able bite on the go while you're out ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the best of LA? Look no fur­ther than your lo­cal Sub­way on 1657 E 103rd Street. This lo­ca­tion per­fect­ly em­bod­ies the chain's clas­sic ap­peal: fresh in­gre­di­ents trans­formed into de­li­cious sub sand­wich­es right be­fore your eyes. Whether you're crav­ing a clas­sic Ital­ian B.M.T. or look­ing to craft a veg­gie-packed mas­ter­piece, Sub­way has some­thing for every­one. With clear nu­tri­tion­al in­for­ma­tion read­i­ly avail­able and a com­mit­ment to of­fer­ing bet­ter-for-you op­tions, you can feel good about fu­el­ing your ad­ven­tures across the City of An­gels.
