sushi restaurant



Our vis­it to Stick­s'n'­Sushi in Val­by was a real high­light. The restau­rant has a warm, wel­com­ing at­mos­phere that in­stant­ly puts you at ease. We snagged a reser­va­tion to be sure of a ta­ble and ex­plored the in­cred­i­ble menu. To call the food de­li­cious feels like an un­der­state­ment - it was a true culi­nary jour­ney. We also loved that they of­fer cater­ing, which would be per­fect for any­one look­ing to add a touch of el­e­gance and amaz­ing food to their next get-to­geth­er. If your trav­els take you to Copen­hagen, this place is a must-vis­it.

Opening hours
SundayClosedMondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday11:00 - 22:30Thursday11:00 - 22:30Friday11:00 - 23:00Saturday11:00 - 23:00