Ste­ung Siem­reap Ho­tel


Step into a world of time­less el­e­gance at the Ste­ung Siem Reap Ho­tel, a charm­ing oa­sis ex­ud­ing clas­sic French colo­nial charm. Lo­cat­ed in the heart of Siem Reap, this bou­tique ho­tel of­fers a tran­quil es­cape from the bustling city. Ad­mire the grace­ful ar­chi­tec­ture and in­tri­cate de­tails that trans­port you to a by­gone era. Un­wind in com­fort­able rooms adorned with lo­cal art­work and mod­ern ameni­ties,

en­sur­ing a rest­ful stay af­ter days ex­plor­ing the won­ders of Angkor. Start your morn­ings with a de­light­ful break­fast in the sun­ny court­yard, sur­round­ed by lush green­ery. Take a re­fresh­ing dip in the sparkling pool or sim­ply re­lax on a sun lounger with a good book. The hotel's at­ten­tive staff and tran­quil am­biance make it the per­fect base for your Siem Reap ad­ven­ture.
