


Mu­sic lovers in Stock­holm, add Stam­p­en to your must-vis­it list. This leg­endary club, a fix­ture since 1945, has show­cased every­one from lo­cal up-and-com­ers to in­ter­na­tion­al­ly ac­claimed artists. Its small size and in­cred­i­ble acoustics place you right in the mid­dle of the per­for­mance, forg­ing a bond be­tween per­former and spec­ta­tor that's im­pos­si­ble to find in larg­er spaces. The mo­ment you step in­side Stam­p­en, it's like trav­el­ing back in

time. Walls adorned with vin­tage posters and a pal­pa­ble sense of ex­cite­ment cre­ate a tru­ly spe­cial am­biance. Or­der a drink, un­wind, and lose your­self in the melodies and gen­uine pas­sion em­a­nat­ing from every inch of this ex­tra­or­di­nary venue. Stam­p­en guar­an­tees an ex­hil­a­rat­ing at­mos­phere and mu­si­cal ex­pe­ri­ences that will linger long af­ter the fi­nal chord, whether you're a sea­soned con­cert­go­er or sim­ply seek­ing a mem­o­rable night out.

Price point
Opening hours
Friday16:00 - 01:00Saturday13:00 - 02:00Sunday17:00 - 12:00MondayClosedTuesday17:00 - 12:00Wednesday17:00 - 12:00Thursday17:00 - 12:00