
Stage Door Cafe


Im­merse your­self in the vi­brant am­biance of the Stage Door Cafe, sit­u­at­ed on 28 Cat­ford Broad­way in Lon­don's live­ly Cat­ford dis­trict. This charm­ing es­tab­lish­ment ex­udes a wel­com­ing at­mos­phere, per­fect for a leisure­ly cof­fee, a bite to eat, or a night­cap. With its warm light­ing and eclec­tic dé­cor, the cafe em­bod­ies a unique com­bi­na­tion of vin­tage flair and mod­ern com­fort. From the walls adorned with in­trigu­ing pho­tographs to the cozy seat­ing nooks, every cor­ner of the Stage Door Cafe beck­ons you to linger and soak up the con­vivial spir­it.

Opening hours
Tuesday07:00 - 16:00Monday07:00 - 16:00Wednesday07:00 - 16:00Thursday07:00 - 16:00Friday07:00 - 16:00Saturday07:00 - 16:00Sunday08:00 - 15:00