
Spa Clar­ins & my­Blend


En­ter­ing Spa Clar­ins & my­Blend is like dis­cov­er­ing a hid­den sanc­tu­ary, a tran­quil es­cape from the bustling Parisian streets. The soft light­ing and sub­tle scents im­me­di­ate­ly re­lax you, re­plac­ing the city’s en­er­gy with a deep sense of calm. A vast treat­ment se­lec­tion promis­es a tai­lored well­ness jour­ney, far re­moved from the mun­dane. For a tru­ly unique

ex­pe­ri­ence, try the renowned my­Blend fa­cial, where skin­care el­e­ments are blend­ed specif­i­cal­ly for your skin. If you pre­fer, em­bark on a re­ju­ve­nat­ing body treat­ment, metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed to re­fresh and re­vi­tal­ize. Their ex­pert ther­a­pists guar­an­tee an ex­cep­tion­al jour­ney, leav­ing you feel­ing com­plete­ly re­vived and your com­plex­ion glow­ing, ready to em­brace Paris with a re­newed spir­it.

Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 22:00Tuesday07:30 - 22:00Wednesday07:30 - 22:00Thursday07:30 - 22:00Friday07:30 - 22:00Saturday07:30 - 22:00Sunday07:30 - 20:30