shopping mall

Souk Al Ba­har


Souk Al Ba­har pul­sates with a con­ta­gious en­er­gy. The mes­mer­iz­ing Dubai Foun­tain, a cap­ti­vat­ing aquat­ic bal­let, pro­vid­ed a breath­tak­ing back­drop as we sa­vored de­li­cious meals, all un­der the watch­ful gaze of the ma­jes­tic Burj Khal­i­fa. The air, thick with the aro­ma of car­damom cof­fee, beck­oned us to ex­plore the unique trea­sures hid­den

with­in this bustling mar­ket. Be­yond its de­lec­table culi­nary of­fer­ings, Souk Al Ba­har re­vealed it­self as a trove of sin­gu­lar gifts. Pic­turesque shops over­flowed with spe­cial me­men­tos; we un­earthed hand­craft­ed trin­kets, rare an­tiques, and lo­cal­ly craft­ed ac­ces­sories. Each shop­keep­er con­tributed to the live­ly am­biance, ea­ger to share sto­ries of their craft and cul­tur­al her­itage.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 23:00Tuesday10:00 - 23:00Wednesday10:00 - 23:00Thursday10:00 - 23:00Friday10:00 - 12:00Saturday10:00 - 12:00Sunday10:00 - 12:00