
Sora Sky­bar


Ph­nom Penh tru­ly comes alive af­ter dark, and Sora Sky­bar gives you a front-row seat to the spec­ta­cle. Thir­ty-sev­en floors above the streets, on top of the Rose­wood Ph­nom Penh, this el­e­gant space boasts breath­tak­ing, panoram­ic views. But Sora of­fers more than just vi­su­al de­lights. The re­fined am­biance re­flects the city's en­er­gy be­low. Sa­vor mas­ter­ful­ly craft­ed cock­tails and de­lec­table bites while soak­ing up the mes­mer­iz­ing cityscape. Sora is the kind of es­tab­lish­ment that en­tices you to stay long af­ter you've fin­ished your last sip.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 12:00Tuesday17:00 - 12:00Wednesday17:00 - 12:00Thursday17:00 - 12:00Friday17:00 - 12:00Saturday17:00 - 12:00Sunday17:00 - 12:00