Soor - Hen­don


Nes­tled be­tween Mill Hill and Burnt Oak, Soor-Hen­don is a vi­brant neigh­bor­hood in North Lon­don that seam­less­ly blends rich his­to­ry with mod­ern liv­ing. Wan­der down its quaint streets, and you'll dis­cov­er hid­den gems like Hen­don Park, an oa­sis of green­ery per­fect for pic­nics and leisure­ly strolls. Delve into the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry at the RAF Mu­se­um, hous­ing icon­ic air­craft and cap­ti­vat­ing ex­hibits that bring avi­a­tion to life. For a taste of lo­cal cul­ture, vis­it the Hen­don Li­brary The­atre, show­cas­ing lo­cal tal­ent and host­ing a range of per­for­mances. Soor-Hen­don of­fers a cap­ti­vat­ing mix of at­trac­tions, mak­ing it an ide­al des­ti­na­tion for his­to­ry buffs, avi­a­tion en­thu­si­asts, and cul­ture seek­ers alike.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 23:00Tuesday09:00 - 23:00Wednesday09:00 - 23:00Thursday09:00 - 23:00Friday09:00 - 23:00Saturday09:00 - 23:00Sunday09:00 - 23:00