clothing store

Soieries du Mekong


Soieries du Mekong is a trea­sure trove of ex­quis­ite Cam­bo­di­an silk cre­ations. Step­ping through the el­e­gant glass fa­cade, you are greet­ed by a burst of vi­brant col­ors and in­tri­cate de­signs. Lux­u­ri­ous scarves and shawls tempt you from every an­gle, while el­e­gant dress­es silent­ly speak of the skilled ar­ti­sans pre­serv­ing this an­cient craft. Deep­er in­side, a new col­lec­tion of

home dé­cor awaits. Cush­ions, table­cloths, and lamps, all adorned with the finest Cam­bo­di­an silks, promise to bring a touch of that artistry back home. The am­biance is one of re­fined el­e­gance, al­low­ing these stun­ning tex­tiles to tru­ly cap­ti­vate your sens­es. More than just a shop, Soieries du Mekong of­fers a jour­ney into the rich cul­tur­al her­itage of Cam­bo­dia.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 18:30Tuesday09:30 - 18:30Wednesday09:30 - 18:30Thursday09:30 - 18:30Friday09:30 - 18:00Saturday10:00 - 18:30Sunday10:00 - 18:30