
Soho Ware­house


Es­cape to the vi­brant heart of Los An­ge­les at Soho Ware­house, where in­dus­tri­al chic seam­less­ly blends with eclec­tic style. Step into a world of leather so­fas, ex­posed brick walls, and am­bi­ent light­ing. The spa­cious ware­house-like set­ting of­fers a di­verse mix of spaces, from in­ti­mate cor­ners to com­mu­nal ta­bles, per­fect for both in­ti­mate gath­er­ings and live­ly so­cial events. Soak up the Cal­i­for­nia sun on

the out­door ter­race, com­plete with a salt­wa­ter pool and panoram­ic views of the city sky­line. In­dulge in de­lec­table cock­tails at the bar or sa­vor gourmet dish­es in­spired by glob­al fla­vors at the restau­rant. Soho Ware­house is not just a place to stay; it's a des­ti­na­tion that cap­tures the essence of LA's cre­ative spir­it, invit­ing you to con­nect, un­wind, and em­bark on un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ences.
