
So­ci­ety of Il­lus­tra­tors


The So­ci­ety of Il­lus­tra­tors feels like a por­tal through time, where art leaps from the walls. Sit­u­at­ed on the Up­per East Side, the mu­se­um cel­e­brates the evo­lu­tion of il­lus­tra­tion, from clas­sic tech­niques to mod­ern dig­i­tal cre­ations. It's housed in a gor­geous 19th-cen­tu­ry man­sion, with ro­tat­ing ex­hibits that guar­an­tee some­thing new with

each vis­it. One day you might stum­ble upon orig­i­nal chil­dren's book draw­ings, and the next, be mes­mer­ized by ex­per­i­men­tal dig­i­tal pieces. This is a must-see for art lovers and any­one search­ing for a unique cul­tur­al ex­pe­ri­ence in the city. You'll be amazed by the skill and cre­ativ­i­ty on dis­play.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday11:00 - 17:00Thursday11:00 - 17:00Friday11:00 - 17:00Saturday11:00 - 17:00SundayClosed