


Skip the or­di­nary; at Smak, you're div­ing head­first into a full-blown culi­nary ad­ven­ture. This mod­ern Eu­ro­pean eatery in Stock­holm trans­forms din­ing into an art form. Imag­ine ex­quis­ite­ly plat­ed cre­ations, each in­gre­di­ent lo­cal­ly sourced and burst­ing with fresh­ness. The re­sult? An ex­plo­sion of dy­nam­ic fla­vors that dance on your palate. The ser­vice at Smak is as im­pres­sive as the food. Their at­ten­tive team crafts a tru­ly per­son­al­ized ex­pe­ri­ence, ef­fort­less­ly cater­ing to in­di­vid­ual needs and pref­er­ences. Whether you're mark­ing a spe­cial mo­ment or catch­ing up with friends, the chic, invit­ing am­biance is the per­fect back­drop for an un­for­get­table evening.

Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 14:0017:00 - 12:00Tuesday11:30 - 14:0017:00 - 12:00Wednesday11:30 - 14:0017:00 - 12:00Thursday11:30 - 14:0017:00 - 12:00Friday11:30 - 14:0017:00 - 01:00Saturday17:00 - 01:00SundayClosed